Yes, I do attach the Excel spreadsheet, sometimes ONLY the spreadsheet, but the pertinent columns are always copied to Outlook and revised there and then returned to me. The text that comes back appears to have the line breaks in the cells, but when I copy back to Excel, the line breaks don’t carry over. The answer is to use Control+Option+Enter, which will create a line break in the cell. Free facetime for mac computer. As an alternative, Control+Command+Enter can also be used to achieve the same. These combinations work both in Excel for Mac 2011 and the new Excel for Mac 2015.
Hi flybynit, Welcome to Numbers discussions. Yes that would be a nice feature for sure. The folks on these forums, discussion boards, are end users as yourself not Apple employees. Accept my suggestion for you to please at the top of your screen to the right of the blue Apple click 'Numbers' > 'Provide Numbers Feedback'. Make your request known to the Numbers team, this will send your suggestion to the Numbers team directly. I've sent many as well. Let's hope that the next version of Numbers (iWork) will incorporate many of the requested enhancements.
To separate the values with a space, enter ' ' in the second argument, as in row 3 in the screenshot below. =CONCATENATE(A1, ' ', B1) To separate the concatenated values with other delimiters such as a comma, space or slash, please see. Concatenating a text string and cell value There is no reason for the Excel CONCATENATE function to be limited to only joining cells' values. You can also use it to concatenate various text strings to make the result more meaningful. For example: =CONCATENATE(A1, ' ', B1, ' completed') The above formula informs the user that a certain project is completed, as in row 2 in the screenshot below. Please notice that we add a space before the word ' completed' to separate the concatenated text strings.
> > > Thanks. That seems to have worked. FWIW, I recall the same thing happening > in years past with vastly different versions of OS and Office. Each update to the OS involves *changes* so the apps get updates accordingly. 'Updates' are actually *patches* that fix/modify aspects of the software. If the OS updates get applied & the app updates don't (or vice-versa) the 2 quite likely no longer 'sync' the way they need to. In your case Office was two steps behind OS X - quite frankly, I'm glad you didn't have more serious problems:) Thanks for confirming the fix!
I have the cells formatted as 'text' and 'wrap to fit'. I have printed the pages and the printed version also has pound signs. I just want my text to show up! Okay, so I tried (for hours) to find a solution to this and have finally gotten frustrated to the point where i think asking here will be my best bet. Basically I want to export data from excel worksheets to various places on a word document I had. I have created a word template as well as bookmarks for that template, as that seems to be the recommendation for performing such a task with excel.
A positive result will return a specific value in the designated result cell. If none of the words in Set A is found in the searched cell, the formulae will repeat the test for the words in Set B, and so on.
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In essence, there are two ways to combine data in Excel spreadsheets: • Merge cells • Concatenate cells' values When you merge cells, you 'physically' merge two or more cells into a single cell. As a result, you have one larger cell that is displayed across multiple rows and/or columns in your worksheet. When you concatenate cells in Excel, you combine only the contents of those cells. In other words, concatenation in Excel is the process of joining two or more values together. This method is often used to combine a few pieces of text that reside in different cells (technically, these are called text strings or simply strings) or insert a formula-calculated value in the middle of some text. The following screenshot demonstrates the difference between these two methods: Merging cells in Excel is the subject of our next article, and in this tutorial we will tackle two essential ways to concatenate strings in Excel - by using the CONCATENATE function and the Excel & operator.
I have to email this to my supervisor in Outlook each week to “edit” and when it comes back and I try and copy it BACK into Excel, I lose the line breaks in the cell. In other words, the separate lines recorded in a single cell in the original output are put back into separate cells when I copy over from Outlook. I have tried copying the Outlook text into a Word table and then copying that back to Excel, but in all cases I lose the line breaks within the cell. This may sound a little harsh, but can your supervisor not simply edit the file in Excel? Does s/he not have Excel?