Home > Outlook PST File > Repair a Profile in Outlook 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 Eric Simson Updated on September 27, 2018 Outlook PST File 26 Comments The tutorial explains the process to repair the Outlook profile in Outlook 2016, 2013, 2010, and 2007 and describes some common errors associated with Outlook profiles. Outlook 2011 for Mac won’t open. When you open Outlook on your Mac, it opens for a brief moment and then closes. You may not see the application load up at all. All is back to normal. So glad I didn’t have to bother the techies at work to fix my Outlook 2011 opening problem. Vikalp on December 18, 2013 at 14:13.
I ended up going to ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile/Data and deleting the Outlook.sqllite file. This forced Outlook to detect an issue and do an auto rebuild. Not exactly an elegant solution, but all of his archived mail was brought over with the rebuild. If anyone goes this route, make sure you backup the Main Profile folder, just in case. Michaelhof wrote: This is an old post, but we just ran in to this issue.
Before using this method, you will need to configure your Outloook desktop client and profile. For instructions on how to configure your desktop client, you can go here:. • • Download the MAPI tool if you have not already, the link is provided above. • Before continuing, ensure that an Outlook desktop client is not running and that you do not have the Outlook Web application open in your browser. • Open the MFCMAPI tool on the machine you are using. • Go to Tools -> Options -> and tick the boxes next to Use the MDB_ONLINE flag and Use the MAPI_NO_CACHE flag and click OK.
Not exactly an elegant solution, but all of his archived mail was brought over with the rebuild. If anyone goes this route, make sure you backup the Main Profile folder, just in case. This worked for me! After restoring from Time Machine, all the folders I had archived locally in 'On My Computer' vanished.
After restart, open Terminal again and type these commands in order: • sudo mdutil -i on / • sudo mdutil -E 3. Now wait until Spotlight reindex your entire drive. You can monitor the process if you click at Spotlight Search icon at the upper-right corner. When the indexing is completed (100%) then proceed and try the Outlook search. • Outlook for Mac 2011. Open Terminal from Applications > Utilities. Give the following commands in order (Press Enter after typing each command) • sudo chown root:wheel '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011' • sudo chmod 755 '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011' • sudo mdutil -a -i off • sudo rm -rf /.Spotlight-V100 • sudo mdutil -a -i on 3.
You don’t need to download this repair tool; it’s included with every Outlook 2010 installation.
Powered by Live Search PST File Repair - Recovering corrupt.pst files error: error: error: PST File Repair can be acheived by using a suitable PST recovery tool like, that's specifically designed to help restore your Microsoft Outlook Personal Storage Files (.pst) so you can retreive your emails, contacts etc from an otherwise corrupt inbox file. Microsoft Outlook is the most popular email client available and comes as part of Microsoft's Office package. Outlook stores its contacts, emails, notes, tasks, journals, appointments and calendars to files called PST. If PST files become corrupt, you will not be able to access any of your personal data/emails unless you can repair the PST file. Is a robust, yet user-friendly mailbox repair tool that scans and reads your corrupt PST file, then creates a new working PST file allowing you to recover your old emails and data. Not only that, this PST file recovery software can retrieve accidentally deleted emails which may have been emptied from the Deleted items folder in Outlook. PST File Repair can recover corrupt files from the most versions of Microsoft Outlook including; MS Outlook 98, MS Outlook 2000, MS Outlook 2002, MS Outlook 2003, 2007 etc.
How will you fix Outlook corrupted profile and access your emails? Don’t worry, you can make use of Remo Repair Outlook (PST) software and repair your Outlook Profile effortlessly. Remo Repair Outlook (PST) to fix corrupt Outlook profile Remo Repair Outlook PST effortlessly recover fixes and repair Outlook.
Parallels desktop 13 for mac. If you intend to upgrade your Mac to macOS High Sierra and keep using Parallels Desktop for Mac, we strongly recommend you upgrade to Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac. Here is the list of known issues we are working on with the available workaround that we have tested in our lab. I have a 2016 MacBook with Parallels 13 [Version 13.0.1 (42947)] running Windows 10 Pro, there is video display issues, when I have the virtual machine set as a separate space and change desktop spaces I get a lot of video distortion and vertical black lines when switching to Windows 10.
Important: Next, open a browser, navigate to Outlook on the web, and check the Inbox.• Once there, without closing your browser, go back to the Fiddler tool and choose File > Save > All Sessions. And save the file. The context in which you would use this test is often a in the scenario where a user cannot create an Outlook mail profile or you are experiencing connectivity issues within the client. This test will analyze the Autodiscover connectivity of the Outlook client. Unfortunately, you cannot use this test unless there is an Outlook for Windows mail profile already created, so you will need to create a 'dummy' profile to use the E-mail AutoConfiguration test.