First, verify that you received a ‘Software Update Complete’ notification on your Tesla mobile app. If you did not receive one and it has been less than 30 minutes since you started the installation, it is possible that it did not complete. After the software update has completed, if the car or touchscreen are unresponsive, try the following: • Touchscreen Reboot: Hold your foot down on the brake while holding the two scroll wheel buttons (around 20 seconds) on the steering wheel until the Tesla ‘T’ appears on the touchscreen. • Instrument Cluster Reboot (Model S and Model X only): Hold your foot down on the brake while holding the two scroll wheel buttons (around 20 seconds) until the Tesla ‘T’ appears on the touchscreen. • You can also power your vehicle off to troubleshoot. To power off in Model S and Model X, go to 'Controls' > 'E-Brake and Power Off' > 'Power off and confirm'. Tap the brake pedal to turn the vehicle on.
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Click Sign in Click Choose OneDrive Folder Location Your OneDrive Location will be located under your home folder uqusername>OneDrive – The University of Queensland Note: Do not change this location Click Choose this location Here you can choose what to Sync and what not to Sync, as this is a new OneDrive account you don’t need to set this up. • Use the Finder or Spotlight Search to look for OneDrive • Select OneDrive • Enter your email address in the following format • Click Sign in You might get singed in automatically if not, you will be prompted to put in your username and password. If you would like to share externally or turn off editing please read the External sharing (Link Settings) guide below. Onedrive mac for office 365 educational. Click Next Read and follow the instructions that appear in the pop up Note: you will need to ignore the “Get OneDrive for your Phone” instead follow the OneDrive Guides for your mobile Click Open my OneDrive folder to complete the install. Use the same format for the username ( and the password you use for your UQ username.
Outlook Improved readability and accessible, too: Your email message and meeting invitation headers are now easier on the eyes. Less clutter, better keyboard navigation, and improved VoiceOver.
• In Finder, press + Shift+h. • On the Finder menu at the top, click View > as List, and then click View > Show View Options. • In the View Options dialog box, select Show Library Folder and save.
The WS 2016 install said its deleted everything on the Windows 8 partition (fine by me). Installed the bootcamp drivers (I use a GUI WS2016 installation) to enable Ctrl-Alt-Del (had to temporarily connect an USB-Keyboard for initial logon). Macbook Pro Late 2016 Bootcamp drivers. Discussion in 'Windows, Linux & Others on the Mac' started by mhd2100, Nov 14, 2016. To install Windows 10 Drivers on Mac OS, First download the Bootcamp software from the link above.Now, wait for some minutes then the Windows will be installed on your Mac computer. Copy the bootcamp software that you have download on the first step of this article. Installing Windows on a Mac should be a piece of cake with Bootcamp, but that rarely is the case. In fact, I would personally say that Boot Camp Assistant is one of the worst apps that comes with OS X and unlike the rest, it doesn’t work seamlessly. For more information about using Windows on your Mac, click the Open Boot Camp Help button in Boot Camp Assistant. These resources also contain helpful information: Create an ISO image for Boot Camp from Windows installation media; Use your Apple Keyboard in Windows with Boot Camp * These Mac models were offered with 128GB hard drives as an option.
Check out who is invited, edit your response, or join the meeting, all in one place. Easier scanning of search results: Outlook highlights your search term in the item list or Preview pane. Week numbers: Week numbers are now displayed in Calendar month view and mini-calendar in the sidebar. To enable, check 'Show week numbers' in Outlook > Preferences > Calendar > Calendar options.
- Fix an issue where apps won't launch if an update is pending. Important: If you updated to Microsoft AutoUpdate 3.9.0, and you have your AutoUpdate settings set to 'Automatically Check,' then you will need to manually update to Microsoft AutoUpdate 3.9.1 by using either of the following methods: - Go to Help > Check for Updates, and then choose Check for Updates.
I was very suprised, I wasn't expecting to be impressed. Dogz 5 for mac. From Sarah, one of the Early Adopters ©2003 Ubi Soft Entertainment.
So make a symbolic link of it in the Applications folder. Here's how, in case you don't know: • Open Terminal (in the Applications folder) or your favorite terminal app • Copy and paste this line: ln -s /Applications/ /Applications If you're comfortable with that, hit Enter. Otherwise, skip down to the Addendum for an explanation. • Open up your Applications folder. You should see Simulator! And Spotlight should find it now too!
Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Risks are inherent in the use of the Internet. For additional information.
The update will complete and the tool will display Success. You may now disconnect the tool and close the Scanning Suite application.
Improved support for creating accessible documents and using VoiceOver and other assistive technology to read and edit documents. Excel Improved support for creating accessible documents and using VoiceOver and other assistive technology to read and edit documents. Fix an issue where, when using Data Validation, if you enter text into the error message box, Excel crashes. Microsoft Security Bulletin: Security Update for Microsoft Office (3204068) PowerPoint Improved support for creating accessible documents and using VoiceOver and other assistive technology to read and edit documents.